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WU-PCEN supported work presented at ASN 2024

PCEN Pilot & Feasibility Awardee Vidhi Dalal, MD will be presenting a poster on her PCEN award work on Friday, October 25, 2024, at the poster session titled “Glomerular Diseases: Mechanisms and Podocyte Biology [PO1401-2]” from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Dalal’s Poster Board is #FR-PO729, “Molecular regulation of podocyte development by transcription factor 21.” 

Min Shi, a postdoc researcher from the lab of Kyle McCracken, MD, PhD, will be giving an oral presentation on work that overlapped with the PCEN project. This will be at the oral abstract session titled “Bioengineered Model Systems and Insights in Kidney Development and Function” in Room 2 of the Convention Center on Saturday, October 26, from 4:30 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Min Shi’s presentation is from 5:00 P.M. to 5:10 P.M. and titled “Integrating Collecting Systems via Nephron-Ureteric Bud Fusion in Kidney Organoids.”

Liam McLaughlin, first year medical student from Sanjay Jain, MD, PhD’s lab will be giving an oral presentation of 3D neurovascular organization of the human kidney across the life span where WU-PCEN collected tissue samples  were used in an effort to generate single cell and spatial atlas of the human kidney,  The presentation, “Nephro-neurovascular Interactions in the Human Kidney Using Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy,” will be in the Pathology and Lab Medicine Advances session [OR1800}] on October 25th from 4:30 P.M. to 4:40 P.M. in Room2 (Convention Center).  Abstract Publication #: FR-OR82.

Jeannine Basta, co-investigator on the center’s Research Project 2 will share an oral abstract presentation on a project funded through a transition to independence award from the ASN. The abstract, 4126427 “Sall1-NuRD cooperate in nephron progenitor cells to determine cell fate,”  will be presented at the Oral Abstract session titled Bioengineered Model Systems and Insights in Kidney Development and Function in Room 2 of the Convention Center on Saturday, October 26, from 4:30 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Jeannine Basta’s presentation is from 5:30 P.M. to 5:40 P.M. Abstract Publication #: SA-OR16.

Stop by to hear what they are working on!