Promoting Research in Childhood Kidney Disease
When: March 6, 2025 | 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. EST
Where: Zoom + NIH/NIDDK, 6701 Rockledge Dr., Bethesda, MD
The Pediatric Centers of Excellence in Nephrology (PCEN) invite you to their annual Scientific Symposium. This meeting will be an opportunity for you to hear about resources you can access from the PCENs, updates on PCEN science, collaborative opportunities with PCEN researchers, mentorship and funding opportunities and a hands-on workshop on cutting-edge technologies to advance your research!
We are excited to share our vision for this symposium, including:
- Keynote speakers
Dr. Rulan Parekh and Dr. Samir El-Dahr will join us in person for presentations and Q&A.
Keynotes will be available for virtual attendees. - Posters
Share your research at a national event! We are issuing a call for posters that is open to everyone. There are no eligibility requirements, but we do need to know if you are interested! - Please see below for submittal instructions.
- Pre-symposium trainee session with NIDDK
Starting at 8am, trainees and early-career investigators are welcome to join our program counterparts at NIDDK to discuss funding frameworks for this career stage. - Lunchtime workshops
We are hosting two workshops during the lunch hour! Introduction and Analysis of Spatial Transcriptomics with Drs. Sanjay Jain, Katalin Susztak, Michael Eadon, Jason Smith and Silvia Medrano and Modern Methods for Real-World Comparative Effectiveness Research with Drs. Michelle Denburg, Hanieh Razzaghi and Jarcy Zee. - Join one to get some hands-on experience!
- Working groups
In-person attendees will have the opportunity to split into groups and share their perspectives on gaps and opportunities in research for early career investigators.
A hotel block is available at:
Embassy Suites by Hilton Bethesda
6711 Democracy Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20817
There will be a shuttle provided by the hotel to take you to and from the NIH Symposium location. Please use the link below to reserve in our block for symposium pricing. Dates will default to March 5–6, but can be adjusted. Reservations for the PCEN block MUST be made by Wednesday, February 5th.
A new element for this year’s symposium is the poster session. In addition to our keynotes and other presentations highlighting center resources, we will be featuring YOUR research!
Please note that there are opportunities to join the symposium virtually, but the poster session will be available for those joining in-person only.
We are collecting information for poster submittals through the survey linked below. Required information includes:
- Name, email, institution, etc.
- Project abstract (including title, co-authors, background, objectives, design/methods, results and conclusions)
- A description of your research interests
- Your interest in travel support
Please complete the survey to submit your poster. All posters and requests for travel support must be received by Friday, January 10 at 5:00 p.m. EST.
The Pediatric Centers of Excellence in Nephrology are funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) P50DK096373 (UVA), P50DK114786 (CHOP) and P50DK133943 (St. Louis).